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I Sing While Working

“Walk as children of the light”
(Ephesians 5:8)

Parents, leaders, and educators, we have a mission, a duty to lead children's souls toward the Light which will be their guide and their happiness. In order to illuminate the way that lies before each one of us, once a week we invite you to discover some of the words of certain wisemen and witnesses, measuring their worth by the words of St. Thomas Aquinas: “Do not consider the one who speaks, but whatever good you hear from him, confide it to your memory.” (from The Sixteen Ways to Acquire the Treasure of Knowledge by St. Thomas). Happy reading!

“Is there a nobler task than to open, to broaden, to enlighten, to embellish little by little the mind of a child or adolescent who is awakening to life; to guide the curious, ardent, healthily ambitious youth to discover the Truth, when it is impatient to pluck fruit from every branch of knowledge? ”

PIE XII (1876-1958)
Eugenio Pacelli, Pope from 1939-1958

“I do nothing sensational: I sing while I work. It was in this way that the great cathedrals were built, that the monks cultivated France, that the furniture was formerly crafted…While singing, the masons built the most beautiful walls of France. While singing, the straightest furrows are drawn.”

Henri VINCENOT (1912-1985)
Writer, painter and sculptor

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