(Ephesians 5:8)
Parents, leaders, and educators, we have a mission, a duty to lead children's souls toward the Light which will be their guide and their happiness. In order to illuminate the way that lies before each one of us, once a week we invite you to discover some of the words of certain wisemen and witnesses, measuring their worth by the words of St. Thomas Aquinas: “Do not consider the one who speaks, but whatever good you hear from him, confide it to your memory.” (from The Sixteen Ways to Acquire the Treasure of Knowledge by St. Thomas). Happy reading!
“The goal of teaching is not to have the children retain as much as possible, but to teach them to think.” , in L’art et la pensée [Art and Thought].
French painter and sculptor (1883 – 1975)
“As soon as one has set about doing something seriously, one acquires a taste for it. In all things, whether they please us or not, one starts by doing what one must, and the taste for it comes afterwards. This truth will not prevent you, rascal, from making spelling mistakes which would make my hair stand on end if I had any. You write ‘missal’ with two l’s and one s. You know very well that the opposite is the right way: one l and two s’s. It is not a question of casually thinking that there is a double letter somewhere in the word! It is a question of knowing precisely which one is double. That is what I call using only half one’s mind. When one uses only a half, it is not using it at all! One must have an entirely active mind that reaches right to the very tip of the pen.” from a letter dated November 21, 1963 in Notre-Dame de Joie [Our Lady of Joy]
Priest of the diocese of Vannes, Third Order Dominican, founder of the Institute of the Dominicans of the Holy Ghost (1900 –
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